Rural Sculpture

We have been interested to read all the posts from Thomas Tallis.
Especially interested in the issuu software. I will be mentioning that to our deputy and together we will have a go.
This week at Columbia School, the 2nd of our year 6 classes are off to Gorsefield .

Gorsefield is Tower Hamlets' rural residential centre and the pupils have a marvellous time; building shelters, walking in muddy fields, pond dipping, amongst other things. This year the pupils are using the artist Andy Goldsworthy as inspiration for natural sculpture. I haven't yet had access to the photos of their sculptures, so here's one they made earlier...


Jon 18 November 2008 at 13:56  

I love this image and Andy Goldsworthy's work. Have you thought about making stop motion animations of the sculptures taking shape? You can then play around with the "drawings" dancing. Great fun! We use a programme called iStopMotion for this kind of thing. It only works on Macs though.

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We are a group of primary and secondary schools in London who represent part of the initial group of 30 national Schools of Creativity. This site is one of the ways in which we maintain a network, share our thinking and activities and provide each other with support. We are all committed to developing creative learning in each of our schools, promoting creativity with our partners in our local communities and influencing the national debate about the value of creativity for all learners.
