Year 7 Creative Science!

In the autumn term Year 7 undertook a scheme of work on Climate Change

The topic chosen to incorporate a creative element was:

Visualise the World in 30 years

The objectives of the project were to:

  • Encourage pupils to think creatively in a science topic
  • Engage them in the subject
  • Increase their vocabulary on Climate Change
  • Create a vision of the world through images

During the term, images were collected and a visual artist from Tate Modern was recruited for a 3 day residency in the lat week of term. The Artist’s brief was to devise a simple participatory event for the whole year group which added value to their image bank. The chosen artist: Viyki Turnbull proposed the attached workshop format

Day 1: Sorting & Sifting images into territories

Day 2: Building mini-theatres using the images, words and mini-recorders

Day 3: Viewing the boxes and reflection

Day One: Pupils were brought into the Cafeteria Area. The majority of pupils were involved in opening up an Image Bank and sorting the images into the 8 Areas. One group was in the White Space managing the images as they arrived and trying to see if a story or narrative emerged from the pictures and words for their particular topic.

Day Two: Pupils were in their Science Classroom and were given a Box and a selection of images and a topic. Their task was to create 3D images and place them in the box in an interesting way that gave the viewer a 20 second view of the future. They were given examples of how to make their images look interesting.

One group in each class was chosen to make the Soundtrack for the box. This was a 20 second mini disc that was placed on the box to add drama to the images.

It was interesting watching how the classes responded to the challenge. Generally they got the idea and worked well together to create a story inside the box. A few had to be finished by the Artist because of the time constraint. The highlight of the task seemed to be making the soundtrack. This generated interest and excitement.


Jon 18 March 2009 at 21:11  

Sounds like a great project. It's interesting to see that creating their own soundscapes proved to be the most engaging aspect of the project for the students.

About us

We are a group of primary and secondary schools in London who represent part of the initial group of 30 national Schools of Creativity. This site is one of the ways in which we maintain a network, share our thinking and activities and provide each other with support. We are all committed to developing creative learning in each of our schools, promoting creativity with our partners in our local communities and influencing the national debate about the value of creativity for all learners.
