On Thursday 11th December, the Arts Faculty at Tallis hosted an evening of exhibitions and performances by Year 7 students on the theme of Identity. Amongst the exhibits was an interactive display (pictured above) in which visitors were encouraged to create overlapping compositions of acetate drawings projected on the walls to the accompaniment of a stereo sound collage of students describing their personal likes and dislikes. Parents were invited to the event to celebrate their children's creativity in a range of disciplines including music, dance, ICT, 3D, photography and fine art. The Amygdala Book was displayed and the 5 prize winners were announced. This work by the Arts Faculty forms part of an ongoing exploration of new ways of delivering the Key Stage 3 curriculum to encourage inter-disciplinary links.
The Amygdala Project 2008
We have been the lucky recipients of the model for Helen Storey's Amygdala installation at Tallis. It now has pride of place in the school library. We decided this year, as part of a cross-curricular arts project on "Identity", to use the book as inspiration for an activity with our current Year 7 students designed to encourage them to reflect on a time when their amygdalas were probably working overtime - the transition from Year 6 to Year 7. We have published these responses as an interactive online book using the fantastic Issuu.
The "Big Wicked Awesome Draw" at Columbia
What a successful Big Draw.
One pupil described it as "the big wicked awesome draw"!
Pupils came in year groups throughout the day to visit a huge urban themed still life set up in our middle hall.
The children worked in a variety of different scales; small sketch books, A4 sugar paper, easels, large display screens.
The work now adorns the walls and boards in unexpected places all around the school