The Amygdala Project 2008

We have been the lucky recipients of the model for Helen Storey's Amygdala installation at Tallis. It now has pride of place in the school library. We decided this year, as part of a cross-curricular arts project on "Identity", to use the book as inspiration for an activity with our current Year 7 students designed to encourage them to reflect on a time when their amygdalas were probably working overtime - the transition from Year 6 to Year 7. We have published these responses as an interactive online book using the fantastic Issuu.


About us

We are a group of primary and secondary schools in London who represent part of the initial group of 30 national Schools of Creativity. This site is one of the ways in which we maintain a network, share our thinking and activities and provide each other with support. We are all committed to developing creative learning in each of our schools, promoting creativity with our partners in our local communities and influencing the national debate about the value of creativity for all learners.
