Creative Agents Conference

We are delighted that members of the Creative Tallis Action Research Group have been asked to make a presentation to the London Creative Agents about the role of young people in leading learning. The group has been very actively involved in advocating the importance of creative learning in school. They have written and published a Manifesto for a Creative Tallis, attended several staff and Leadership Team meetings and have commissioned a week long residency from Tangled Feet Theatre Company. They are looking forward to presenting their work, engaging the Agents in some creative learning activities and suggesting ways in which more young people can get involved in promoting creative learning in their schools.


About us

We are a group of primary and secondary schools in London who represent part of the initial group of 30 national Schools of Creativity. This site is one of the ways in which we maintain a network, share our thinking and activities and provide each other with support. We are all committed to developing creative learning in each of our schools, promoting creativity with our partners in our local communities and influencing the national debate about the value of creativity for all learners.
